A Winter Trip to Coney Island


This past Saturday my boyfriend and I took a mini-trip to Coney Island. We didn't have plans for the day and Jeremiah had a car for the weekend, so we knew that we were going somewhere. We decided on Coney Island pretty quickly - there's something beautiful and enchanting about being on the beach and boardwalk in the middle of winter.

Almost as soon as we got into the car, it started snowing. Despite neither of us having on proper shoes for the snow (I was wearing Converse, y'all..), we still took the trip, and I'm so glad that we did. The greys and blues of the sky, sea, and snow were stunning. The edge of the water felt like the edge of the earth. The boardwalk and beach were almost entirely deserted. We spent the afternoon exploring, chasing seagulls, sliding around, and generally enjoying the flurries.


It was an unexpected adventure and ended up being one of my favorite parts of the weekend. Small trips like this remind me that NYC is really something special - a fact that I often take for granted.

What did you get into this weekend? Would you ever visit the beach in the middle of winter?


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