Gratitude | What January Held & Moving into February


As we move deeper into the new year, I find that I become more and more grateful of the city. I don't know who I would be if I hadn't moved here; if I hadn't been swept up into the city's pulse and learned to beat with it; if it hadn't forced me to expand and explore unknown areas of my Self. Even now, almost two-years in, my journal is still filled with failed attempts to try and explain the feeling of being young and open and in some ways naΓ―ve, and yet living in this great, hulking beast of a place. Arabelle wrote, "This is a city with a very particular rhythm [that] you can [either] devote yourself to learning or drown in. You will realistically do both, over and over again," and her words so perfectly encompass the oxymoronic beauty of this place. I am equally grateful for the times that I easily treaded water and for those that I struggled to stay afloat.

The month of January was shrouded in a soft-pink hue. The tones appear in almost every one of my photos, reminding me that the place I have reached emotionally and spiritually is a good one. February seems to be following suit, although it's a bit brighter in hue. I'm traveling to Cuba soon (in less than 48 hours!) and the month is filled with creative energy. I want to work on my writing and photography, and generally practice some form of art-making every day. Beginning the month in Cuba seems like a good start.

So far this year I feel comfortable with myself. I feel comfortable with who I am and how I'm learning and expanding. Though change is sometimes difficult for me, I'm looking forward to the transitions that the upcoming months promise to hold. I am both looking forward and moving forward. 2017 feels good.


How did January feel for you? x


Gratitude | On Loving Your Space


Next Stop: Cuba!