The Mandate: A Call and Response

This summer, my therapist introduced me to “The Mandate: A Call and Response from Black Lives Matter Atlanta”. We were discussing the concept of legacy when he asked me: “How are you going to be a good ancestor?” The question surprised me. I’ve frequently thought about how to be a good wife, friend, sister, daughter, (future) parent, and even grandparent, but never ancestor.

I wasn’t sure how or where to start.

“Here, let me show you something,” my therapist said.

That “something” was The Mandate.

On July 13, 2016, members of Black Lives Matter Atlanta (BLM ATL) organized civil disobedience to amplify the call for long standing local demands in light of the police killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Jerry Williams. Heavy police and state surveillance and presence attempted to halt and block the organizers. These Black leaders would not falter. The Mandate is a call and response to get in formation to bring the generational leadership we need to transform the leaders, institutions, and policies that cage, kill, and terrorize Black communities. SONG joins Black Lives Matter Atlanta in building a people's platform with Rise Up, the Georgia Not1More Coalition, Racial Justice Action Center and Women on the Rise to call on Mayor Kasim Reed to divest from the militarization of police while demanding stronger investments in Black, Latinx, and all communities terrorized by police brutality.

After watching the video, repeating the mandate to myself daily, and thinking deeply, here’s my answer to my therapist's question:

I will be a good ancestor by living into a different, and brighter, future.

I will be a good ancestor by creating a legacy for future generations that earns their respect.

I will be a good ancestor by carrying out all of my actions intentionally and with love.


Now, I ask you: How will you be a good ancestor?


A Letter to Myself...Two Years Later


Gratitude | Our Wedding Story, Pt. 1 | #CullenItLove